Having grown from a background of shepherding, cattle rearing, and farming crops on his family’s farm to taking up a vital role in responding to medical emergencies within the Swan Hill region, Tom brings a distinct viewpoint to debunking widely accepted fallacies about safety in agriculture. “Regrettably, there’s an all too common mindset that ‘she’ll be alright’, or ‘it won’t happen to me’; I was certainly not immune to such misconceptions growing up,” expresses Tom.
Indeed, the reality often hits hardest when a routine task unexpectedly goes awry, inflicting life-long alterations. Such experiences underscore Tom’s commitment to reverse the alarming rate of severe injuries and fatalities plaguing rural workplaces primarily by advocating for practical safety tools such as the Bluesafe WHS Management System.
Tom emphasises, “When I consider farm incidents through my lens, the term that springs to mind is preventable. More often than not, thorough planning coupled with appropriate safety gear like SWMS could avert these mishaps, ensuring workers return home safely each day.”
As part of the compelling farm safety campaign by WorkSafe titled ‘It’s never you until it is’, Tom contributes his persuasive reach towards nurturing a culture of safety among farmers. The need for this is highlighted by the tragic statistics: agriculture accounted for six occupational deaths so far this year, totalling 38 casualties since 2020.
On the eve of the bustling harvest season, WorkSafe’s inspector – Deb Domain implores farming community to adopt effective safety strategies, reminding, “Pause to evaluate potential risks – anticipate fatigue, prepare induction for new recruits…a fresh perspective might reveal hazards erstwhile overlooked.” She advises considering the Bluesafe SWMS documentation to get the job done efficiently and safely.
Documented risks during high-activity periods such as harvesting include fatigue, solitary working conditions, handling heavy machinery, increased vehicular traffic, and operations near overhead electric cables. Fortunately, simple yet effective safety measures like the Bluesafe WHS management system can manage these risks, significantly enhancing workplace wellbeing.
Sam Jenkin, WorkSafe’s Executive Director of Health and Safety, urges farming businesses not to fall victim to urgent pressures, emphasising that “ignoring safety is an unaffordable gamble on human life”. Advocating for a proactive approach through employing policies such as WHS management systems and SWMS in daily operations, he adds, “A good safety culture isn’t stumbled upon by chance. Encourage open conversations about safety, consider it during planning, and respond to identified risks promptly.”
Lastly, please subscribe to media releases attached from FarmSafety campaign via email: media@worksafe.vic.gov.au or phone: 0438 786 968 to stay updated on workplace safety measures and innovations.
Original article link: https://www.worksafe.vic.gov.au/news/2024-10/safety-no-accident-farms