Charges after worker’s fatal fall on construction site

A 23-year-old worker sustained serious injury whilst constructing roof trusses on the first floor of a project, due to falling through an undetected void in the stairwell onto the concrete basement. Anthony Basa, 29, running Big Basa Constructions and the Pearl Construction Group Pty Ltd each face allegations under section 26(1) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Both are accused of failing in their duty to assure a safe working environment, free from health risks.

Worksafe authorities propose they had not taken reasonable preventative measures to stop the possibility of falling from great heights. Additionally, Basa faces another allegation under regulation 327(1)(a) of the OHS Regulations for not creating a Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS), which is necessary before commencing risky construction tasks.

These incidents remind us of the crucial role safety-at-work-products like WHS management systems and SWMS play in keeping workplaces risk-free. Systems like Bluesafe WHS Management System and Bluesafe SWMS provide comprehensive solutions to maintain work safety standards and be in compliance with statutory requirements including documenting of SWMS before initiating risky operations.

The mentioned cases will go under review at the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court on 25 November 2024. For more details, send an email to media @ or call 0438 786 968. Never forget to subscribe and stay updated with our latest edition covering media releases.

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